
May 28, 2012

Mirror Mirror, Dollar Theater!

Photo: People
What I'm Loving Today:

  • Elana Johnson's book Possession. Yes, I'm behind the times a bit, but I thoroughly enjoyed this story! (Finished it in a day if that tells you anything).
  • A huge, beautiful fern that my hubby brought home. I hung it on the porch next to my artificial one. Haha. It's so lush and fluffy, fingers are crossed that I won't kill it!
  • My eldest daughter's huge stack of library books. Now that summer is here, she's reading, crafting, cooking and baking! I'm LOVING it!!
  • Hubby being off for a long weekend.
  • That Mirror, Mirror just went to our dollar theater! Hoping to see it sometime today.
  • Thinking up summer plans!
  • Knowing I don't have to take anybody anywhere on Tuesday! :D


  1. I love the Tuesday loving - hope you have time to relax in the summer sun.

    1. I plan to Clare! We'll be at the cemetery part of the morning but the rest of the day is open.

  2. It is wonderful to hear your daughter reading and learning new things during her summer break..
    Wishing the Fern luck and a long life..

  3. So happy it's almost summer! Hopefully I'll have time to get some reading done :)

    1. I hope you do! I think summer reading programs got us in the habit and now we just expect to do lots of reading on holidays.

  4. I saw Mirror Mirror is is good...can't wait to see Snow White and the Huntsman!
    love the thought of the real fern and the artificial fern bonding on your porch lol...
    I imagine it is pretty much one sided : )
    and days off...when no one has t be anywhere=heaven!

    happy Monday friend

    love and light

  5. Enjoy your summer :)

    I LOVE reading :)

    bless your hubby :)

  6. love the fun + depth of your loving list!
    happy weekend to you!!

  7. I absolutely love your art -- it's simply magical. I've probably already said that, but it bears repeating. :) Your family sounds adorable! Let us know how the movie is...


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