
May 21, 2012

I Love Flying Kids

What I'm loving lately:

  • My kids "flying" to find the eclipse.
  • Having a day full of nothing so I can catch up.
  • A new refill for my loose-leaf calendar. I'm trying to get organized, yet again.
  • Figuring out my decor style with Rachel Denbow's Style Your Space course.
  • Being asked to paint one of my art girls on a GUITAR!! Oh my gosh...the plans. I've been sketching and scheming. It's sitting by my art table just waiting for me. :D
  • The quiet Saturday morning date with my son. No one else was awake, so we took off. It was such fun one-on-one time.
  • Reading beautiful art books and feeling extra-inspired.
  • Having my husband back after his trip to Cambodia.
What are you loving lately?


  1. Flying kids?? Is that some sort of new Superman thing? :)

  2. Sounds wonderful, all of it. Your husband went to Cambodia? I have a few friends who work there rescuing children out of the sex industry. I'd love to visit sometime.

  3. LOVE your list :)

    Im loving my walking :)
    and my oldest son for allowing me this time on his computer - mines sick :(


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