
May 22, 2012

Home Office Dreams

I've been dreaming about a cozy studio re-do. Here are some of my favorite picks so far:
I'm drawn to all shades of blue. I also love the bright pops of orange, red, pink and yellow. My studio is mostly desks, table and chairs right now. I'd love to have a cozy area to snuggle in and read or have my family hanging out near me.

My studio has a large picture window, and across from it is an opening into the living room. Bookcases line the only full wall in the studio and a wide doorway is across from that. This makes for fantastic lighting but less wall space. Trying to keep the open feel and not blocking the walkway is making my dream space a bit of a challenge. But I've got graph paper working for me and attempting to find a good layout.

Do you have a space of your own or dreams of one? What would you like to fill it with?


  1. I´m dreaming also about a studio re-do. Two years ago I changed the layout of the furniture, bought a new working chair, which is red, added a new book shelf and painted the working table that is now pistachio green, I have many colors, in paricular, shades of red... but now the wood bookcases don´t suit the rest of the room and I want to paint them using very vivid colors. I´m thinking of turquoise, lavender and colors like those, it´s a great challenge because they are full of tons of books but I think I will do this summer. I want to buy a new armchair, also, because the one I have now, looks too serious and it´s quite old.

    1. Oh my gosh, love me some red. After you're finished, can we see photos?? Your dreams sound spectacular.

    2. Of course... As I am always altering furniture and objects, I always take photos but I usually don´t publish them, but now I will do, thanks! Have a nice day

  2. Bright and cheerful rooms!! a Flora Bowley painting. : )

  3. I wish I could have a sunny and colorful spot like these. Seems like my workspace is always the last to be considered so I end up in some corner somewhere without adequate lighting.
    But now that I'm screen printing I'm pushing the hubby aside for some of his garage space!

    1. Sunny and colorful are high on my priority list too! I'm glad you're getting to squeeze into the garage. :)

  4. I love that first one! My dream office would have lots and lots of natural lighting, be organized with lots of shelving and cute containers for my small items, a desk for my laptop and sewing machine, and a table for cutting and crafting. Oh, and lots of different art pieces on the wall. One day...

    1. Could I hang out awhile when you get it done? Because that sounds like a little piece of heaven!

  5. My last place had a huge office with white walls I covered with colorful art to inspire my writing. I loved it. I feel cramped in my new space, I must admit.
    I like what you've chosen. It suits the colorful joy of your artworks.

    1. White gives the eyes a place to rest, doesn't it? I've noticed I like color best against neutral or white. I think it's the balance of it. And thanks! :)

  6. Oh wow. These pictures of offices make me want to go crazy and build the one of my dreams! Ha. That's okay though - until I actually have that opportunity, I can just gaze at all of the swoon-worthy offices/home goods that pinterest has. haha :) love your blog!

    xo, Samantha

  7. Aren't those studios just jummy - I think I like the first one best of all. Isn't it wonderful that we have a special 'play-room' all to ourselves - how lucky we are. Have fun designing your new space - look forward to seeing the finished result.

  8. Those are beautiful spaces - I'd feel so inspired in any of them!

    I've nominated your blog for the Versatile Blogger award on my blog at

    because I love reading your blog so much!

  9. thanks for checking out my blog! you've got some really creative stuff here :]


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