March 20, 2012

Little Red Dress Days 22-28

Day 22
Day 23
Day 24
Day 25
NO PHOTOS for Day 26 and 27. 
Sick with a stomach virus, I stayed in pajamas all day.

Day 28
This week was better than last. I had renewed energy about the Little Red Dress.

I've been reading more about other countries and cultures in the poorer communities of the world. They seem to be so full of joy with so little. I'm sure that it wears on them the same as financial worries wear on anyone; but they seem able to rejoice in the little things--savor the small moments. They don't have as many "expectations" or "rights" that they're touting around and being disappointed when it doesn't happen.

I've seen I DO have an entitled mindset. I often feel like I'm owed or that I have the right to what I want. But what about being happy with what I have right now? What about not searching for bliss in the great unknown, but finding it in the everyday? That's what I attempted to do this week. And I found whining has a much harder time showing itself when you're feeling grateful.

Lesson four: Be grateful for what you have in your life TODAY.

If you'd like to read more about the Little Red Dress Experiment go here. Also,
Days 1-7
Days 8-14
Days 15-21

Little Red Dress experiment Days 36-42 (days 29-35 were spent in New York and I didn't wear the little red dress, forgive me)


  1. You are so working that dress! It's interesting to think about what you say, that you felt like you have the right to what you want. I think many of us feel that way at one time or another, but the more accurate thinking should be we have the right to what we earn, in one way or another. What great food for thought.

  2. You're so cute in all those outfits. i love red. Love that you're trying to be grateful for today. I'm working on that as well. Hope all is going well with you.

  3. Oh Catherine
    you are so awesome for doing this
    what a great lesson
    I think I will be taking part in this exercise at some point myself
    love the lessons you are learning
    we are an extremely entitled people...and we have no idea
    just got back from my trip down to Colombia and am feeling the challenge of re-entry
    your post made me smile

    love and light

  4. hope youre feeling better now
    and a good reminder
    looking good girl

  5. I am so amazed at how many different outfits you can put together with that single dress! It really is just amazing!

    And I wanted to say thank you for your little reminder to remember to appreciate what you already have. That's something I have struggled with in the past. I need to remember to enjoy what I currently own and not feel like there's so many more things I "need" to have.
    Thank you : ]

  6. Just popped by to say hello :). I loved reading this post. Gratitude is lifechanging.

  7. What an inspiring person you are Catherine. And you look great in those boots in the last photo.

    : )

  8. Saw Valerie's link to this on Twitter and just had to stop by comments too and say how impressed I am, with you, and the message.

    Amazing. Thank you.



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