March 6, 2011


I hate confrontation.

The clash of two sides disagreeing leaves me vulnerable, terrified and raw.  My instinct is to flee and hide.  I want my wound to stay hidden.

But hiding only lends itself to mildew, cobwebs and pain.  How can restoration happen in a hole?  Who can love me if I'm invisible?  I must risk the chance and bear the loss of what my words may cause.

I open my heart a sliver and share, venturing into the unknown.  The walls I've built are high as canyons, but I leap and believe in the wings that hold me.

Whether they love me or reject me; I'll fly.


  1. Confrontation is indeed a scary thing, leaving us feeling very vulnerable, yet at times it becomes necessary to make our feelings and our issues known. I much prefer to use the word communication, a softer approach, less violent, and hopefully less opposition. If we bottle up everything that disturbs us we will soon find ourselves buried deep inside our souls. Great post, Catherine! I loved the last line in it's powerful affirmation, and indeed you will fly!

  2. You will fly. You are a strong woman. And so what if you crash land (as long as it is in a soft bush) at least you experience life.

    I personally sometimes like the confrontation as long as it is controlled. I find it to be a powerful tool in resolving and solving situations.

    Loved your take on this prompt!

  3. I feel the same way - hate confrontation! And, the longer we hide and avoid the harder it becomes to face. Your wings gain strength as you use them. Kudos!

  4. Yes, Sweet Catherine, you will fly, because you recognize possibility, have faith in yourself and take wing.

  5. What a wonderfully inspiring post. Thank you Catherine!

  6. So true that hiding your voice leads to cobwebs and pain, such an inner struggle to say what you mean and be able to fly as well. Keep saying it to yourself you will fly.

  7. Well done. I think you speak for a lot of us with this piece.

  8. Isn't it strange that confrontation makes us different people; sometimes stronger, sometimes weaker.

    With or without confrontation we are able to fly if we want to above the set backs in life.

    Inspiration post.

  9. It's a raw thing, confrontation, but I love the triumph you give to it.

  10. You've made some really valid points there...confrontation is not easy is it? It seems to be a skill slowly I'm learning as I go along...after growing a bit of mildew, cobwebs and pain over the years :) well pegged!

  11. Confrontation, I hated it but I learned that when you don't confront, in the right way, it leads to co-dependency. I had been down that road for many, many years. I am better now but I still pause and ask myself if I want to go down that road of disagreement, sometimes yes, sometimes no. I think it depends on how much energy I have.

  12. Hi Catherine - your posts never fail to uplift me..yes, it's always worth taking the risk of stepping off that edge of invisibility..great piece..Jae

  13. Confrontation is often absolutely necessary, but only from a position of strength. To confront from a weak base or premise can lead to disastrous results.

  14. This is lovely. I haven't read Sunday Scribblings in awhile. Instead of thinking that your weak for not liking confrontation - maybe you it would be better to call it - retaining your dignity.
    Now a days so many people think that confrontation is what shows that you're strong, but most of the time they end up making fools of themselves. As long as you don't let people walk all over you or you get back at that person later - upholding one's dignity is the classy thing to do. There's so little class in this world anymore. Never be afraid to fly.

  15. Love your About Me section... totally cute!

    I'm quite the opposite... I thrive on confrontation. Kind of odd since I'm so introverted. Anyway, nice to meet you! :)

  16. I hate confrontation too, I can totally understand everything you wrote here, Catherine.


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