March 20, 2011


I stood with my cheeks flushed.  She'd done it again; shrinky-dinked me into a lesser version of myself and I'd let her do it.  I hated myself for that and wondered what it'd be like to be free.

"So?" she asked, eyebrows perched in judgment.

I nodded my grown head like a little girl.  And I seethed.  The deepest part of me roiled and screamed.  I wanted to belt an Evanescence song at her.  But I did nothing.

That night I stared sleeplessly at the popcorn ceiling.  Weeks after, I still cringed at the thought of that moment and the mounds of moments collected through my life, all of them muddled into one scathing pile. Something had to change.  I shivered as a terrifying thought hit--it had to be me.

It started slow: a refusal to nod, an absence of agreement, a "no".  At first like pushing a boulder uphill but soon like chasing it down a slope.

I still wonder what freedom could feel like. But I'm beginning to understand little trinkets of it.  I don't cringe at insults; their lies aren't my truth.  I don't cower from displeasing; I speak from the heart.  I stand when I used to run.  I fight when I used to wilt.

These changes have come softly, painfully and beautifully with time.  The patches are off my eyes.  I'm becoming free.


  1. You had me at shrinky-dinks,

    Well done.


  2. As always - Well Done Catherine.
    Change is always challenging.

  3. Congrats! Step by step, it is all progress and moving forward. I love the way you express yourself!

  4. Why does wisdom appear so late after the event when a response, quip and even a brave face were so slow in materializing. A great piece of introspection to enables you to break free and be the me that you want to be.

  5. Beautifully told, I love the line about their lies not being my truth. What a journey :)

  6. It is hard to be a grown up isn't it, as is the journey to that state.

  7. There are so many wonderful lines in favourite is 'trinkets of freedom'..reminded me of earning charms on a charm bracelet..courage..conviction..knowledge..acquiring the many colours of age..Jae

  8. good 4 u.
    enjoy it.
    best wishes.

  9. Freedom is beautiful, in so many ways. It's a good place to be.

  10. Eyebrows PERCHED! PERCHED! I LOVE that!!!

  11. Catherine, thanks for your honesty and for your wisdom. There are those freezing moments, as children we were not allowed to say "no" or to voice our truths.
    I understand this journey and how hard it is to free yourself of the expectations of others and listen to your own truths, the intuition that whispers ever so softly.

  12. Ha! Go for it! I love it when characters begin to assert themselves against a bully.

  13. Oh lordy Catherine! How I love your Sunday Sribblings! (Especially on a Wednesday.)
    "I stand when I used to run. I fight when I used to wilt." Love it love it love it. I'm going to go read this one again now...

  14. 2nd last paragraph says so much, great stuff.


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