November 16, 2009

To Jump or Not to Jump?

Ever want to jump ship?

When I get half-way through my story, there's always a new idea perched on the bank beckoning to me.  It's so tempting...and fresh.  Looks like it has so much more potential than WIP.

So I start thinking.  I could write much faster with THIS idea.  The ending would be so climactic...or the characters are so unique...

I'm feeling that lure right now.  A good friend called me today asking how my NaNo novel was going.  I told her I liked it but didn't love it.

"When do you ever love it?" she said, laughing.

I puzzled over that.  Did I never love my stories?  Maybe they're dying from a lack of love.  Oh no!

So I went back and re-read this.

Don't worry little novel.  I won't give up on you!  I'll stay on this ship.


  1. I've cheated before on my WIP... many times. In fact, that's why I have four WIPs that I'm currently stringing along in various stages of "done." Don't do it! Stay on the boat!

  2. Thanks for your encouragement, Wendy. I've anchored my feet to this ship.

    Anna Myers told us at a SBCWI meeting, that the first draft is the most difficult to finish. "Just get it down. You have to have the four walls before you can add the furniture and the paint."

  3. Oh Catherine I hear you. You said it perfect "I could write much faster with THIS idea." Yes I feel that way too. I have a little somethin' somethin' on the side but I save if for when my current WIP is hurting my brain and I need to just...flirt.

    Stay focused but do make notes on your little side dish.

  4. Thanks, I will. Notes do seem to quiet the temptation to jump.


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